Welcome! - we are the Scottish Episcopal churches in the East Neuk of Fife - one of Scotland's most beautiful coastal areas. Our congregations have been here for centuries and we continue to worship each Sunday - as part of the worldwide Anglican Communion - and take a keen interest in our local communities. You are welcome to join us any Sunday morning for our services of Holy Communion, when we follow the liturgy (book of prayer) of the Scottish Episcopal Church (Scottish Liturgy 1982 revised 2022).
St Michael and All Angels, Rotten Row, Elie, KY9 1AY
St Michael's is tucked away behind the main street, backing onto the golf course. The building is an amazing survivor - a “tin tabernacle” built of wood, clad with a corrugated material, originally built in 1905 (in a different part of Elie! - It was relocated in 1923). Everyone who enters is surprised at its pleasant peaceful atmosphere. The church has disabled access and toilet.
You can find more information and photos here - and a location map here.
St John the Evangelist, Marygate, Pittenweem, KY10 2LJ
St John's church is in the centre of Pittenweem, on the site of the 14th century Augustinian priory.
St John's was built as a chapel in 1805, but has been enlarged and beautified on several occasions since then. The church has disabled access and toilet.
You can find more information and photos here - and a location map here.
St John’s remains closed to daily visitors for the time being due to internal plaster damage which is currently being assessed
St Michael's, Rotten Row, Elie, KY9 1AY
Sunday 30 March - Fourth Sunday in Lent (Mothering Sunday)
Joint service at St John's (below)
You are most welcome to join us - and are invited to receive the sacrament, should you wish to.
9.45 to 10.45am
You can find directions to St Michael's here.
Sunday 30 March - Fourth Sunday in Lent (Mothering Sunday)
10.30am Joint holy communion led by Revd David Gordon (note time)
You are most welcome to join us - and are invited to receive the sacrament, should you wish to.
1130am to 12.30pm
St John the Evangelist, Pittenweem Scottish Charity no. SC010982
St Michael & All Angels, Elie Scottish Charity no. SC005954
Churches in the Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane
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